Automated Monitoring for Pharmacy

OneVue Sense® safeguards critical vaccines and essential medicines at your retail pharmacy.

Protect Pharmacy Essentials

OneVue Sense ensures your temperature-sensitive assets are stored properly by providing automated monitoring within refrigeration and freezer storage units. Protect lifesaving vaccines, essential medications, and biological therapeutics from ruination with around-the-clock automated monitoring. In addition, OneVue Sense can track openings and closings of doors for bolstered asset protection.

Your Partner From the Start

The Primex Proven Process will ensure your pharmacy succeeds during and throughout OneVue Sense implementation at your retail pharmacy. OneVue Sense Automated Monitoring adds to your staff by eliminating manual logging tasks and continuously tracking storage unit data according to your specified thresholds. Routinely held Primex-led audits report on your OneVue Sense ROI, and Hardware Assurance ensures your technology is always up-to-date and certified — ideal for continued regulatory compliance.

Perfect Fit for Any Pharmacy

The OneVue Sense Solution offers the flexibility to deploy temperature monitoring where and when you need it most — all while providing pharmacywide monitored-environment data through one point of access. As your pharmacy evolves, so can your use of OneVue Sense, with easy-to-deploy medical-grade devices and cloud-based software that suits your pharmacy’s specific needs.

Notifications for Out-of-Range Conditions

Accidental unpluggings, power outages, storage unit malfunctions, left-open doors — all things that can put your essential medications and critical vaccine supply at risk. Turn these problematic, unforeseen occurrences into nonevents at your pharmacy with OneVue Sense, which provides text message, email, or phone call notifications if out-of-range measurements are detected — giving you time for corrective action before it’s too late.

24/7/365 Storage Unit Data Insight

Whether in your office, helping a customer, or on vacation, you’ll have access to your storage units’ internal temperature measurements through the cloud-based OneVue® software platform. Available on any device with a web browser, the mobile-friendly software allows for real-time data viewing and grants on-demand report generation, helpful for proving compliance during audit situations.

Additional Monitoring Solutions

The OneVue Sense Automated Monitoring portfolio also includes solutions to maintain indoor air quality for safety and comfort with ambient temperature and humidity monitoring; measure air pressure to limit the spread of infection with differential pressure monitoring; detect moisture to prevent disruptive and costly floods with water leak monitoring; and protect building inhabitants with carbon monoxide monitoring.